In partnership with Cisco, acclaimed creative personalities Shekhar Kapur and AR Rahman today launched a new social networking platform called Qyuki. First announced in February this year, the social networking concept has finally come to fruition and aims to provide a collaborative platform that will enable a dynamic creative community.
Qyuki aims to differentiate itself as a social media community built around the desire to create - “a community for the right-brains of india to collaborate,” as Mr. Shekhar Kapur puts it in a nine-city Telepresence Interconnect organised by Cisco today. The website which is presently live, seems at first glance, to be an interesting mashup between Pinterest and Deviantart but with an India focus.
The founders plan to not just concentrate on urban India, but also reach the so far untapped creative talents from villages and grassroots India. Since a large section of these users come online via mobile devices, Qyuki has planned a mobile strategy which includes apps on various platforms and the soon to be launched mobile website –
Qyuki CEO, Poonacha Machaiah, called the platform a marriage of creativity and technology. It aims to give consumers a complete creative journey based on the 4Cs: Community, Content, Collaboration, Celebration. A vision of how this will work is of a musician who releases a song on the platform, and a digital artist creates the album art, while a lyricist works on the next track and a short film maker offers to make the video.
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The website already features some of the works of Kapur and Rahman such as animated short films and music from Rahman’s music conservatory project Melange.
Members will have a profile page where they get a chance to showcase their work. Content on the website can belong to mediums such as music, video, pictures, and text and can be classified into categories such as animation, short films, scripts, performance arts such as standup comedy etc. All content is owned by the creators.
Why the name
Shekhar Kapur said the inspiration came from the Cue Key in music and also from the fact that when he tweeted the term it became the trending topic in India within a matter of hours. In effect the name, he believes, was crowdsourced. But as Siddhartha Basu (who was hosting the Telepresence conference) pointed out, it can mean a number of things, for instance “Kyu ki” in Hindi means “because”.
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