Apple has launched its new lineup of iMac and Mac mini desktops, and 13-inch MacBook Pro laptops in India. The new generation of devices is thinner and more powerful than the last, with much upgraded hardware. All three devices ship with Mac OS X Mountain Lion.
New 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display
The new 13-inch MacBook Pro features a high-resolution (2,560x1600 pixel – 227ppi) Retina Display, made out of an 13.3-inch IPS panel with a viewing angle of 178 degrees, as well as 75 percent less reflection and 29 percent higher contrast than the previous generation. It is just 0.75-inches thick (20% thinner than its predecessor), and weighs in at 1.62 kgs. It ships only with flash storage options, up 8GB of RAM, and up to Intel Core i7 (Ivy Bridge) processors.
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