Bharti Airtel has announced the launch of its 4G services in Pune, months after the company rolled out the fourth generation mobile services in Kolkata and Bengaluru. Airtel's 4G services are currently available for postpaid users in Pune; for prepaid customers the services will be launched shortly.
Airtel customers in Pune can now use Airtel 4G LTE modems(check out Airtel's 4G tariff plans below) to start using the LTE network. The dongle for accessing 4G network on laptops and PCs is priced at Rs. 4,999 and comes with monthly usage charges. To find out more about Airtel's 4G LTE USB modems, click here.
In the meanwhile, check out Airtel's 4G tariff plans for Pune customers:
The telecom operator has also announced the launch of Airtel Broadband TV and Games On-Demand services for its LTE customers. These services are available for Rs. 150 and Rs. 49 for monthly and weekly users, respectively. The telecom operator is currently offering Broadband TV services for free as an introductory offer.
Games On-Demand service on Airtel includes video games from the likes of FIFA and NFS, and from a host of publishers such as EA, Ubisoft, Square-Enix, PopCap and Alawar. The service is available for a price ranging from Rs. 5 a day for 30 games, to a comprehensive Rs. 199 plan featuring over 350 games for a month. There are some seven Games On-Demand plans available for customers.
The teleco has also launched its Airtel Movies in Pune, offering an updated movie library of more than 1,000 titles. Airtel Movies services are available for a monthly subscription of Rs. 149. Airtel is currently offering a free trial for all 4G customers.
“Today, we are excited to launch Maharashtra’s first 4G experience for Airtel customers in Pune. The response received by Airtel 4G services in Kolkata and Bengaluru has been compelling – thus reinforcing our long term focus on delivering technologies to fulfil the needs of India’srapidly growing data evolution story,” says K Srinivas, president, Consumer Business, Bharti Airtel.
The launch of Airtel's 4G services in Pune comes shortly after the telecom giant (in coordination with Qualcomm and Huawei) launched India's first 4G LTE smartphone called Huawei Ascend P1 LTE. The company hasn't revealed the pricing and availability of the phone, but it's expected to launch around Diwali this year.
Right now, Airtel is the only 4G service provider in the country. While other service providers are yet to reveal their cards on 4G, Airtel has apparently started making efforts to dominate this segment. Airtel is expect to roll out 4G services in cities such as New Delhi and Mumbai soon
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