The Competition Council of India (CCI) has reportedly launched a fresh investigation against Google after a complaint filed by consumer advocacy group CUTS International. The Internet major has been accused of abusing its position in the market by indulging in anti-competitive practices in various ways.
According to reports, CUTS had moved the CCI on June 8, accusing Google of pushing its customers to its services by providing biased search results. CUTS also alleged that Internet company was 'manipulating' searches by changing the algorithmic and paid search results by penalising particular web sites and advertisers.
Sharad Bhansali, Managing Partner, APJ-SLG Law Offices, who is representing CUTS is quoted as saying, “Initiation of an enquiry by the CCI is an important and essential condition for further investigation in the case. The Commission is at liberty to call for further information even before ordering an enquiry. However, in this case they found the information sufficiently detailed and comprehensive to order the full enquiry. The investigation will now be done by DG”.
Google, meanwhile, says it has not received any notice from the CCI on this issue, and that it wasn't aware about such investigation.
It's not first time when Google has come under the scanner of the CCI. The competition watchdog of India is already conducting an investigation against Google's alleged anti-competitive practices following complaint filed by matrimonial site
The CCI had then said it had found "prima facie evidence" that the search giant abused its market position by being discriminatory in allocating keywords.
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