Samsung has officially launched its GSM-GSM version of the Galaxy Ace Duos smartphone in India at Rs. 15,090, a device it first revealed last month.
The GSM-GSM Galaxy Ace Duos runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread operating system with Samsung's TouchWiz UI on top. It has 3.5-inch HVGA TFT-LCD display with a 320 x 480 pixel resolution. Other specifications of the device include 5MP rear camera, 832MHz processor, 3GB built-in storage, microSD card support for up to 32GB and 1,300 mAh battery, which is rated to deliver 6.5 hours of talktime on 3G, and 16 hours of talktime on 2G.
In terms of connectivity, the device supports 3G, EDGE/ GPRS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth with A2DP and USB 2.0 (Micro). The device also has ‘Dual-SIM always on’ feature, allowing users to field calls from either SIM, simultaneously.
The Galaxy Ace Duos comes with a wide range of applications, including the popular ChatOn and My Movies. While ChatOn lets users chat with friends and contacts, My Movies app lets users access the Indian movies. There's a My Music app as well that lets users browse, download and listen English and Bollywood numbers.
The smartphone will now join the already existing GSM-CDMA version of Galaxy Ace Duos. The GSM+CDMA version of the device was launched at Rs. 16,900, but is currently selling for roughly Rs. 14,000.
There are no big difference between Ace duos and Galaxy Ace. The main changes are battery capacity and additional CDMA sim support, and other features such as screen size, processor are remained same and camera resolution is reduced from 5MP to 3MP and flash is not available in this model. For more details visit : Samsung Mobile Price