HTC has already launched its One V and One X smartphones in India. But a mystery still prevails over the availability of the One S in India. Last we heard, rumours were suggesting the device will launch on June 8, but evidently that never happened. Now reports are that the device will launch in India on June 15. The online shopping website Infibeam, which is taking orders of the One S with an advance payment of Rs. 1,000, has listed release date as June 15, 2012.
The actual pricing of the HTC One S is still unknown, while the site says it will be revealed at the time of launch. However, the pricing is speculated to to be around Rs. 33,000, taking on the likes of Samsung Galaxy Note.
The One S was unveiled at the Mobile World Congress 2012 event earlier this year along with other two One-series smartphone, One X and One V. The smartphone sports a 4-inch Super AMOLED display, 1.5GHz dual-core processor with Adreno 225 GPU, 1GB of RAM, 16GB built-in storage, 8MP camera, VGA front camera, and Android 4.0 ICS with Sense UI, out of the box.
It has no expansion slot. Other specifications of the device include microUSB and TV-out via MHL, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n with DLNA and hotspot functionality, no FM radio, and a 1,650 mAh battery.
HTC One S listed on Infibeam
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